About me.

About me.

My name is Pau Escofet Marias. UX designer, art director and FE developer. Digital transformation enthusiast and fan of Lean UX with a global vision of digital production: from the ideation phases to the development processes.
More than 20 years of experience in UX design (Facilitation and organization of Workshops, User Journeys, User Research, User tests, Personas Definition and Prototyping) as well as Development and Organization of FE and leadership of agile projects.

Photographer and graphic designer by training. Self-taught front-end programmer. I currently work in product development as a UX Lead.

However, during my professional career I have worked as an errand boy, photographer, graphic designer, web designer, art director, front-end programmer, professor of programming applied to design, UX designer, product designer, product owner... and surely I still left something.
If you want detailed information about all this, you can consult my professional experience.

Extremely pragmatic and often opinionated, I don't like to leave things halfway. As a UX designer I like to attend to data when a decision needs to be made.



A little bit about me

I was born on a hot July 5, 1976 in Gavà, a town near Barcelona. I studied there until high school and later I did my higher studies in Barcelona.

In 2001 I moved to Blanes, Girona and from there I worked in different companies as a designer, always digital environments.

Since 2013 I live in Munich, Germany.



Professional experience

Senior UX/UI Designer

Capgemini engineering
Munich, Germany
Oct. 2023 - …

Organization and management of UX (user experience) and UI (interface design) processes in projects for the pharmaceutical industry with special relevance in data visualisation and Large Language Models (AI) applications.

Senior UX concepter

Plan-Net Pulse
Munich, Germany
Oct. 2018 - Sep. 2023

UX/Product conception and design.
Organisation and lead of design thinking workshops, from rough ideas to final concepts and solutions (product analysis, requirements, personas definition, customer journeys, wireframing, high fidelity prototypes and user tests).

Principal Front End Developer - UX/UI  Designer

Designaffairs (Accenture)
Munich, Germany
Apr. 2018 - Oct. 2018

Definition of Front-End architecture, conception and prototyping for clients mainly focused on the automotive branch.

UX/UI Designer - Associate Manager

Accenture Interactive
Munich, Germany
Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2018

Conception, design and prototyping (customer journeys, personas, click dummies, etc,) for clients mainly focused in automotive and banking.

Senior Frontend developer and UX-Designer

maxdome GmbH / ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
Munich, Germany
Mar .2014 - Dec. 2015

Development of new fronted functions and processes, for example the new registration process. Responsive development of the new Maxdome portal.

CSS optimization through a complex SASS environment.

Senior Web Designer

apareo Deutschland GmbH
Munich, Germany
Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2014

Design and frontend development of websites mainly focused on sports.
UX-Design and Responsive Web Design projects.

Design Manager Digital/Print

Figueras International Seating
Barcelona, Spain
Sep. 2011 - May 2013 

Development and supervision of off-line (Catalogs, Print-Advertisings, Magazines, etc.) and on-line ( Website, newsletters, banners, etc.) material.
Dealing with service providers.
Google AdWords management and supervison of web statystics with Google Analytics.

Art Director

GNA Servies Telemàtics
Girona, Spain
Feb. 2005 - Aug. 2011 

Design and development of websites (mainly focused on tourism) and E-Marketing creation (E-Mail Marketing, Viral-Marketing, etc.).
Front End programming of a booking system using Adobe Flash.
Logo and corporate design and some Off-Line material.

Macromedia Flash teacher

EAAOA Llotja
Barcelona, spain
Sep. 2001 - Jul. 2003 

Teacher during a Multimedia Postgraduate Course in the Art School Llotja of Barcelona.

Freelance Designer

May 2001 - Jan. 2005 

Projects for Ad Agencies in Barcelona and Girona.

Web Designer

Discovery Net
Barcelona, Spain
Jan. 2001 - Apr. 2001 

Design and development with HTML of several projects, mainly focused on banking. 

Web designer

Signos Particulares
Barcelona, Spain
Apr. 2000 - Dez. 2000

My first paid job once I finish my studies. Development of websites and interactive-CD.

Intern 100%

Còdica Interactivemedia
Barcelona, Spain
Nov. 1999 - Mar. 2000

Web design and Photoshop tasks. 

intern 50%

Color Digital
Barcelona, Spain
May 1999 - Oct. 1999

Large format printing.


  • Graphic design
    EAAOA Lotja, Barcelona, Spain
  • Photography
    Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Specific technical training

  • 2024 AWS Generative AI Essentials (Business)
  • 2021 Certified Professional Scrum Master
  • 2017 Project Management (Accenture)
  • 2017 Design Thinking (Accenture)
  • 2015 UX-Design, Personas, User Centred Design, User Research and Customer Journeys
  • 2014 SCRUM
  • 2014 SASS dynamic CSS programming, PHP Symfony2 development.
  • 2013 LESS Dynamic CSS programming, Git Repository, PIMCORE CMS development, JIRA Project Management
  • 2012 Responsive Webdesign, HTML5 and CSS3 programming
  • 2009 jQuery programming
  • 2005 HTML, CSS Design, PHP and JavaScript programming
  • 2001 Macromedia Flash Design and ActionScript programming


  • Spanish - Native language
  • Catalan - Native language
  • English - C1
  • German - C1

Technical skills

Design/development tools

Figma, Sketch, Adobe CS, Atom, PHP Storm and Microsoft Visual Studio

Programming languages

PHP, JavaScript, React, Vue and SASS… HTML5 and CSS3 are not programming languages ;)


Git repository, PIMCORE CMS, Wordpress, Drupal, TYPO3, Jira and Confluence.


These are some tools that I use in my daily basis

Adobe Creative Cloud
Microsoft Visual Studio


Everything related to plants and my garden, winter sports (ski and snowboard), some running and cycling, I read when I find something interesting (especially historical essay) and above all I love to cook and bake (I love my Kitchenaid).

Photography (and lately with Polaroid) is still there.

oh! Let me not forget: DIY fanatic, maker and, of course, retrogamer.



My portfolio is a selection of projects carried out during my professional career that may be interesting for various aspects (clients, technologies, problem solving, etc.).